“The Port of Hamburg and our Customs and import controls are well prepared, and even for the eventuality that bottlenecks at ferry ports on the English Channel, in Antwerp or Rotterdam should cause re-routings to Hamburg,” Torsten Sevecke, State Secretary of the Ministry for Economy, Transport, and Innovation, pointed out.
“For some months, for all those involved extensive training has been available in Hamburg on preparing for various Brexit scenarios,” he added.
Similarly, veterinary offices are well prepared to provide the extra advice and checks that a possible no-deal Brexit would require in the port.
For the moment, rejection of an exit deal by the British House of Commons earlier this week has no further repercussions on preparations in Hamburg for Brexit.
“Especially from the Hamburg point of view, rejection … of a withdrawal agreement is extremely regrettable,” Annette Tabbara, Under-Secretary of State and the Free and Hanseatic City’s delegate with the German government and the European Union, and for foreign affairs, said.
“The Senate is however well prepared, even for a no-deal Brexit. Apart from the necessary legal adjustments, we have devoted special attention to how we can minimize the risks for our citizens and business in Hamburg, as well as universities and research institutions.”
Given Hamburg’s traditionally strong economic links with the United Kingdom, it is especially important to arrange future goods traffic with Great Britain as smoothly as possible, according to the port.
漢堡港為英國退出歐盟做好了充分準備 - 即使是在的英國退歐尚未談妥的情況下。
“漢堡港以及我們的海關和進口控制措施都做好了充分準備,即使在安特衛普或鹿特丹的英吉利海峽渡輪碼頭的瓶頸可能會導致漢堡的重新安排,” Torsten Sevecke,國務秘書經濟,運輸和創新部指出。
“特別是從漢堡的角度來看,退出協議是非常令人遺憾的,”副國務卿和自由與漢薩城市代表與德國政府和歐盟的外交事務負責人Annette Tabbara表示, 。

Information source: World Maritime News Staff , Image Courtesy: BBC.COM