The two ships have been fixed together since Ulysses rammed into the anchored boxship, some 28 kilometres north-west of Cape Corsica on Sunday, October 7.
Several navy and antipollution ships have been dispatched to the scene to contain potential further pollution of the environment. An anti-pollution dam has been deployed along the boxship to curb the bunker spill from spreading.
Both ships remain within the zone until their conditions are assessed, and a salvage plan is determined.
CLS Virginia’s hull sustained a major blow in the collision resulting in a significant rupture on its starboard side. The containership’s bunker tanks were punctured causing a fuel spill.
Ulysses, on the other hand, was not significantly damaged as a result of the collision.
經過地中海五天船體碰撞連結之後,突尼斯的滾裝船Ulysses已經與塞浦路斯國旗的集裝箱船CLS Virginia,來自海峽地區和地中海通知。
自從Ulysses 於10月7日星期日在科西嘉島西北約28公里處撞向錨泊的船隻後,這兩艘船已被固定在一起 。
CLS Virginia的船體在碰撞中受到重大打擊,導致右舷嚴重破裂。集裝箱船的燃油艙被刺破導致燃油洩漏。

Information source: World Maritime News Staff , Image Courtesy: Yahoo News Singapore