The master alerted the local authorities when he sighted the presence of unauthorized persons on board, Asian piracy watchdog ReCAAP ICC informed.
One of the crew members was assaulted by the robbers and sustained a small cut on his forehead. The crew managed to escape and hide in the forecastle store.
After the robbers realized that they had been discovered, they left the 2,556 TEU ship.
The Ecuador Coast Guard (ECG) conducted a search, finding no perpetrators on board. The injured crew was given first-aid treatment, and the ship resumed its voyage.
There were no injuries to the remaining crew members and no items were stolen, ReCAAP added.
Built in South Korea in 2001, Maersk Newbury is owned by Danish shipping giant Maersk.
Previously known as Caroline Schulte, the ship was attacked by pirates also in October 2006, according to information provided by VesselsValue. Back then, eight robbers came alongside the ship, at port side, and one robber boarded, while the ship was at anchor off the South Atlantic Ocean. After the alarm was raised, the robber escaped.
新加坡國旗的集裝箱船Maersk Newbury於2018年10月2日在厄瓜多爾的瓜亞基爾河轉運時被海盜登船。
亞洲海盜監管機構ReCAAP ICC告知,當他看到船上未經授權的人員出現時,船長向地方當局發出了警報。
在劫匪意識到他們被發現後,他們離開了2,556 TEU的船。
Maersk Newbury於2001年在韓國建造,由丹麥航運巨頭馬士基擁有。
根據VesselsValue提供的信息,這艘船之前被稱為Caroline Schulte,也於2006年10月遭到海盜襲擊。當時,在港口一側有八名劫匪從船邊出來,還有一名強盜登上了船,而這艘船卻停泊在南大西洋附近。警報發出後,強盜逃脫了。
Information source: World Maritime News Staff , Image Courtesy: Vessel Finder